The lineups for the 44th edition of the International Film Festival Rotterdam are just about all set now. Following announcements regarding the Limelight, Signals and Competition programs, today IFFR “has confirmed its line-up for its Bright Future and Spectrum programs and announced its ten nominees for The Big Screen Awards from within that selection…. The prize of €10,000 is specifically to support theatrical distribution of the film in The Netherlands.”
Lisandro Alonso‘s Jauja (Spectrum).
Danial Aragão‘s I Swear I’ll Leave This Town (Bright Future).
Debbie Tucker Green‘s Second Coming (Bright Future).
Kristina Grozeva and Petar Valchanov‘s The Lesson (Bright Future).
Ingo Haeb‘s Das Zimmermädchen Lynn (Spectrum).
Hiroshi Ando‘s Undulant Fever (Spectrum).
Lee Kwang-Kuk‘s A Matter of Interpretation (Bright Future).
Michael Noer‘s Key House Mirror (Spectrum).
Marat Sarulu‘s The Move (Spectrum).
Carlos Vermut‘s Magical Girl (Bright Future).
World Premieres
Roberto Anjari-Rossi‘s El Legado.
Philippe Fernandez‘s Cosmodrama.
Larissa Figueiredo‘s The Bull.
Kris Kristinsson‘s Hearts Know * The Runaway Brides.
Crumbs from Lanzadera Films
Evgeny Ruman‘s The Man in the Wall.
Isabelle Tollenaere‘s Battles.
Daan Veldhuizen‘s Banana Pancakes and the Children of Sticky Rice.
Valedictorian from Matthew Yeager
Matthew Yeager‘s Valedictorian.
International Premieres
Danial Aragão’s I Swear I’ll Leave This Town.
Calling from Marcin Dudziak
Félix Dufour-Laperrière‘s Transatlantique.
Lee Kwang-Kuk’s A Matter of Interpretation.
European Premieres
Matthew Bate‘s Sam Klemke’s Time Machine.
Damian Marcano‘s God Loves the Fighter.
Bui Kim Quy‘s The Inseminator.
Kivu Ruhorahoza‘s Things of the Aimless Wanderer.
Takuya Misawa‘s Chigasaki Story.
Edmund Yeo‘s River of Exploding Durians.
World Premieres
Dré Didderiëns‘s Mijn witte Hemd.
Poet on a business trip (film trailer) from LAB
Ju Anqi‘s Poet on a Business Trip.
Catarina Mourao‘s The Wolf’s Lair.
Nobuhiro Yamashita‘s La La La at Rock Bottom.
Nathan Silver‘s Stinking Heaven.
Peter van Houten‘s La Vie de Jean-Marie.
Midi Z‘s Jade Miners.
International Premieres
Hiroshi Ando’s Undulant Fever.
Olaf de Fleur Johannesson‘s Brave Men’s Blood.
Michael Noer’s Key House Mirror.
Jacopo Quadri‘s La Scuola d’Estate.
The End of an Age from DAZA
Bruno Safadi and Ricardo Pretti‘s The End of an Age.
European Premieres
A Midsummer’s Fantasia from mocushura
Jang Kun-Jae‘s A Midsummer’s Fantasia.
Miaoyan Zhang‘s A Corner of Heaven.
Woo Ming Jin‘s The Second Life of Thieves.
Simone Rapisarda Casanova‘s La Creazione di Significato.
Benjamin Crotty‘s Fort Buchanan.
Debbie Tucker Green’s Second Coming.
Kristina Grozeva and Petar Valchanov’s The Lesson.
Damien Manivel‘s Un jeune Poète.
Oscar Ruiz Navia‘s Los Hongos.
André Novais Oliveira‘s She Comes Back on Thursday.
We are young. We are strong. from German Films
Burhan Qurbani‘s We are young. We are strong.
Anna Roussillon‘s Je suis le Peuple.
Aditya Vikram Sengupta‘s Labor of Love.
Jorge Pérez Solano‘s La Tirisia.
Liew Seng Tat‘s Men Who Save the World.
Carlos Vermut’s Magical Girl.
Amanda Rose Wilder‘s Approaching the Elephant.
Catch Me Daddy Teaser from Daniel Wolfe
Daniel Wolfe‘s Catch Me Daddy.
Lisandro Alonso’s Jauja.
Letters to Max (Teaser) from Eric Baudelaire
Eric Baudelaire‘s Letters to Max.
James Benning‘s Natural History.
Lav Diaz‘s From What Is Before.
Lav Diaz’s Storm Children – Book One.
Dominik Graf‘s Beloved Sisters.
Ingo Haeb’s Das Zimmermädchen Lynn.
Måns Månsson‘s Stranded in Canton.
Gabriel Mascaro‘s August Winds.
Takashi Miike‘s As the Gods Will.
Takashi Miike’s Over Your Dead Body.
Tetsuya Nakashima‘s The World of Kanako.
Alexander Nanau‘s Toto and His Sisters.
Niels Arden Oplev‘s Speed Walking.
Josh and Benny Safdie‘s Heaven Knows What.
Marat Sarulu’s The Move.
J.P. Sniadecki‘s The Iron Ministry.
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