Daily | Books | Bordwell and Thompson, Hope

Film Art: An Introduction

The tenth edition

David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson have posted their annual back-to-school index, a guide to entries from the past year that might serve as supplements to individual chapters in their classic survey, Film Art: An Introduction. And Kristin Thompson adds: “For the entries from past years, see 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013.”

Jonathan Rosenbaum‘s posted a fourth round of “short pieces I wrote for Chris Fujiwara’s excellent, 800-page volume Defining Moments in Movies.”

Hey, our CEO has a book out. Written with Anthony Kaufman, “Ted Hope‘s new book Hope for Film is part memoir, part manual, part manifesto as it traces his long career in independent filmmaking, mostly and most notably as a producer but more recently with a brief excursion into the nonprofit world and then onto the evolving interface of technology, creation and distribution,” writes Mark Olsen in the Los Angeles Times. “The book is full of behind-the-scenes anecdotes that mix grit, gumption and charm.”

Also for the LAT, Jeffrey Fleishman profiles Bruce Wagner, whose “novels, such as Dead Stars and The Chrysanthemum Palace, have excoriated Hollywood’s attention-craving shark tank of talk-show confessions, egos, greed, disease, antidepressants, pornography, squandered fortunes and movie star death watches.” Wagner also wrote the Oliver Stone-produced television mini-series Wild Palms (1993) and David Cronenberg’s Maps to the Stars.

Alexander Norcia on Susan L. Mizruchi’s Brando’s Smile: His Life, Thought, and Work: “The characterization of Brando, here, is rich with deft and thorough analyses of his films, showing his wide ranging interests, and revealing how his revisions (mostly extensive trims) improved both his character and the work as a whole.”

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