Thousands upon thousands of short films are produced every year, so admittedly it’s a bit presumptuous to single one out as the best. But there is no denying when a work moves you to the extent that for a few lingering moments, nothing else matters but the gift of its existence. I certainly felt this way watching this video by Steven C. Boone. It’s a remarkable synthesis of social documentary, cultural criticism, fan video, photo essay, and poignant memoir, with recreations of intimate memories that are no less touching for being staged. It has more layers than a rich girl’s wedding cake and is far more nourishing.
I’m all the more proud to share it on this site since Steve is a regular Keyframe contributor (his most recent piece was a photo essay on In Between Days). He also just scored a prestigious gig as one of Roger Ebert’s Far Flung Correspondents. Steve’s writing is both savvy and sincere, two qualities that shine through in this video. The best news of all is that this is just Part One of a planned series. The next episode cannot come soon enough.