Fandor Festival Podcast Ep.11: Author & Researcher, Dan Russell

Hooman and Chris sit down with Dan Russell, author, researcher, and user happiness expert.

Dan is presenting his book at the upcoming Sonoma Valley Author’s Festival, August 27-29, 2021.

In this episode, Hooman and Chris sit down with Dan to learn about Google search queries, personalization for users, and how we can use Google to find recommended films.

Dan is Google’s Senior Research Scientist for Search Quality and User Happiness in Mountain View, CA. His day job is understanding how people search for information, and the ways they come to learn about the world through Google.

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Daniel M. Russell’s book, The Joy of Search: A Google Insider’s Guide to Going Beyond the Basics, explains how to frame search queries so they will yield information and describes the best ways to use such resources as Google Earth, Google Scholar, Wikipedia, and Wikimedia. It was published by MIT Press in September 2019.

Dan is Google’s Senior Research Scientist for Search Quality and User Happiness in Mountain View, CA. His day job is understanding how people search for information, and the ways they come to learn about the world through Google.

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