The Wild Sounds of Sam Raimi

When Sam Raimi was honored with the Motion Picture Sound Editors’ Filmmaker Award 2016, he acknowledged the importance of sound in his work: “My career as a director began with a low-budget horror picture that relied heavily on sound to compensate for what we couldn’t afford to show on camera. As it turns out, in cinema, some of the most powerful moments are induced not by what we see, but by what we hear.”

From the chainsaw buzz of The Evil Dead, to the web-slinging “thwips” of Spider-Man, sound design is central to the filmography of Sam Raimi. The sounds in this video are wild, and every bit as inventive as Raimi’s unforgettable images.

Don’t miss our other videos on the signature sounds of your favorite filmmakers, like Park Chan-wook, Bong Joon-ho, Paul Thomas Anderson, Claire Denis, the Coen Brothers, Andrei Tarkovsky, and Agnès Varda. Plus, watch us gush about “The Evil Dead” star Bruce Campbell, and check out How Sound Editing and Sound Mixing Make Movies Complete.

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