In this second installment of Stieg Larsson’s phenomenal “Dragon Tattoo Trilogy,” Lisbeth Salander is a wanted woman. A researcher and a Millennium journalist about to expose the truth about the sex trade in Sweden are brutally murdered and Salander’s prints are on the weapon. Her history of unpredictable and violent behavior makes her an official danger to society.
DIRECTOR : Daniel Alfredson
CAST : Michael Nyqvist, Noomi Rapace, Lena Endre, Peter Andersson, Michalis Koutsogiannakis, Thomas Lindblad, Daniel Gustavsson, Tehilla Blad, David Druid, Jennie Silfverhjelm, Magnus Krepper, Ola Wahlström, Ralph Carlsson, Jacob Ericksson, Reuben Sallmander, Micke Spreitz, Donald Högberg, Dennis Önder, Annika Hallin, Jörgen Berthage, Alexis Dahlin, Tanja Lorentzon, Daniel Janzen, Sofia Ledarp, Per Oscarsson, Georgi Staykov, Sunil Munshi, Niklas Hjulström, Yasmine Garbi, Anders Ahlbom, Paolo Roberto, Olga Henrikson, Richard Barry, Hans Christian Thulin, Johan Kylén, Pelle Bolander, Izzy Young
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