A dark suburban fable exploring the nature of evil in unexpected places, Borgman follows an enigmatic vagrant who enters the lives of an upper-class family and quickly unravels their carefully curated lifestyle. Charming and mysterious, Camiel Borgman seems almost otherworldly, and it isn’t long before he has the wife, children and nanny under his spell in a calculated bid to take over their home life. However, his domestic assimilation takes a malevolent turn…
DIRECTOR : Alex van Warmerdam
CAST : Sarah Hjort Ditlevsen, Jeroen Perceval, Tom Dewispelaere, Alex Van Warmerdam, Jan Bijvoet, Hadewych Minis
- Nominee - AFI Fest 2013 - Grand Jury Prize: Alex van Warmerdam
- Nominee - Cannes Film Festival 2013 - Palme d'Or: Alex van Warmerdam
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