
BLIND WOMAN'S CURSE (1970, directed by Teruo Ishii), now streaming for FREE on Fandor.
What to Watch on FANDOR

WATCH FOR FREE: “Blind Woman’s Curse”

Japanese cult filmmaker Teruo Ishii delights in slathering the frame with blood and guts—including a stomach-churning tattoo flaying—and surprises with moments of visual elegance and surreal poetry.

RAZZENNEST filmmaker and Austrian madman Johannes Grenzfurthner

INTERVIEW: Johannes Grenzfurthner on “Razzennest”

Rogue artist, raconteur and cocktail roboticist Johannes Grenzfurthner is a Viennese Renaissance man whose obsessively detailed and cleverly unhinged films infiltrated some of North America’s more fun-oriented film festivals during the pandemic. His latest, RAZZENNEST, is now streaming exclusively on Fandor.

JETHICA (2022, directed by Pete Ohs)

INTERVIEW: Pete Ohs on “Jethica”

Beyond a doubt one of the year’s most original indie films—DIY or otherwise—the offbeat thriller-slash-supernatural-comedy-of-sorts Jethica savvily snatches the rug out from under all kinds …

Kier-La Janisse's "House of Psychotic Women," new edition now available

Re-Entering the “House of Psychotic Women”

There’s an unofficial shortlist of essential film-critic compendiums represented on my bookshelves. Whether collections of essays, histories, or even intensively annotated catalogs, they read like …

Under the Skin (2013, directed by Jonathan Glazer)

What, Me Worry (About Horror)?

Do you want to see something REALLY scary? It’s the question of the month. And the answer is yes—emphatically yes. But what terrifies you might not faze me at all…

Uncle Peckerhead (2020, directed by Matthew John Laurence)
What to Watch on FANDOR

9 Fandor Frights

From J-Horror classics like “Dark Water” to cult indie freakouts like “The Oregonian” and “Uncle Peckerhead,” check out what’s lurking in Fandor’s shadows this spooky season.

Knightders (1981), now FREE on Fandor
FeaturesWhat to Watch on FANDOR

“Knightriders” and the Non-Horror Films of George A. Romero

(Knightriders is currently available to watch for FREE on Fandor, where subscribers can also see Romero’s Season of the Witch, The Crazies, and Night of …


Fandor Focus: Creature Features

by Jake Rubenstein    Since the dawn of filmmaking, creature features have grown to be some of the most essential works of science fiction, fantasy, …



by Jake Rubenstein   Founded on January 4, 2004, by Joseph A. Ziemba, BLEEDING SKULL! has since grown to become the premier destination for those who …


WATCH – Evil Dead Trap

A TV station employee takes a camera crew out to an abandoned factory to investigate a purported snuff film that was made there, only to end up running for her life.

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