
Zoo Lock Down writer-director Andreas Horvath

INTERVIEW: Andreas Horvath on “Zoo Lock Down”

Keyframe spoke recently with the Austrian writer-director about his experiences in Salzburg, the ideas that shaped his footage, and why he really dislikes zoos! As a bonus, the filmmaker also talked about the unusual saga of his 2015 documentary HELMUT BERGER, ACTOR.

Theodore Schaefer, director of GIVING BIRTH TO A BUTTERFLY (2021)

INTERVIEW: Theodore Schaefer on “Giving Birth to a Butterfly”

After a decade of working his way up through the indie film ranks, writer-director-producer Theodore Schaefer at last sees the debut of his highly distinctive …

RAZZENNEST filmmaker and Austrian madman Johannes Grenzfurthner

INTERVIEW: Johannes Grenzfurthner on “Razzennest”

Rogue artist, raconteur and cocktail roboticist Johannes Grenzfurthner is a Viennese Renaissance man whose obsessively detailed and cleverly unhinged films infiltrated some of North America’s more fun-oriented film festivals during the pandemic. His latest, RAZZENNEST, is now streaming exclusively on Fandor.

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